Euskampus-Bordeaux Cross-Border Campus

2011 - Present
Common, cross-border university and research enabling of collaborative actions between UPV/EHU and Université de Bordeaux and other strategic partners.
UPV/EHU, UB, and IdEx Bordeaux and Euskampus, strategic partners in excellence initiatives.
The Euskampus Bordeaux Cross-Border Campus is a strategic alliance between the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Université de Bordeaux (UBx). It is a shared higher education, research and innovation ecosystem with deep roots in the area and open to the world as a pole of excellence.
The shared Euskampus Bordeaux Campus covers an extensive community of:
- More than 110,000 students.
- More than 9,000 researchers.
- Another 5,000 jobs in clerical and service roles.
- Provides an attractive higher education teaching-learning-training environment that boosts employability and business spirit at world level;
- Constitutes one of Europe’s leading cooperative research spaces;
- Joins with industry, social organisations, the public authorities and citizens (quadruple helix model).
The mission of the Campus is:
- To extend university access, to promote mobility between the two universities and to design an attractive joint international offer;
- To lead research projects, sharing people and resources in flexible, efficient, interdisciplinary formats;
- To foster new social and economic value in the community, using knowledge transfer and shared innovation strategies;
- To grow the international profiles of both universities via shared international networks and partnering on international projects;
- To foster international cooperation in education, research and innovation;
- To strengthen cultural and linguistic links between the two communities and regions.
The strategy chosen to fulfil this mission involves action plans in four major areas:
- Education, employability and entrepreneurship.
- Research and innovation.
- Commitment to local communities.
- Social and international profile.
The results of the action plans were double post-graduate degrees, co-tutored doctorate programmes, cross-border projects throughout the Euroregion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarra and Europe, buttressed by an intensive program of meetings, seminars and encounters and the interchange of students, teachers and researchers.
In 2016 CEI Euskampus and IdEx Bordeaux were awarded the excellence label, and in 2017 Université de Bordeaux took a seat on the Board of the Euskampus Foundation, confirming both parties’ commitment to the alliance and opening the door to closer collaboration with Tecnalia, DIPC and the wider Basque society.