Bizkaia BBK Scholarships

International Scholarship Program designed to promote training, innovation and employment in Bizkaia
- Provincial Council of Bizkaia
- BBK Foundation
Over the period from 2017 to 2019, Euskampus Fundazioa worked together with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia (DFB/BFA) and BBK to create and launch a program aimed at delivering key international postgraduate and master’s degree training in response to the specific needs of industry in Bizkaia. This was the Bizkaia-BBK Scholarships program.
It was set up as a tool for smart specialisation in the historic territory of Bizkaia in the fields of Big Data, Energy, Aeronautics, Finance, Automotive and the Silver Economy.
It consisted of two phases:
- PHASE I: Specialised training in leading international centres, following specific pathways for each of the project areas.
- PHASE II: Job placements in Bizkaia Key businesses in specialisation areas would offer two-year placements, paying the equivalent salary rate for the category .
The programme was open to holders of higher education qualifications, aged 35 or under, born or legally residing in Bizkaia for at least 12 months. It attracted a range of profiles, from new graduates to candidates with previous labour experience.
After the first stage of the program ended in 2019, the Euskampus Fundazioa transferred it to Bizkaia Talent for implementation and definitive development.